It's a holiday, so I'm lying in bed 20 minutes past the time I normally get up, trying to sleep in even though my mind is already racing with things to do today.
Two boys shuffle into the room in brighter moods than you would think this early in the morning. "Hi, Mom!" they chime.
"What are you doing in here? I'm trying to sleep."
"We came to snuggle," they say.
As they huddle under the warm blankets, one on each side of me, there is a collective sigh of contentment.
After a moment one says, "I already took a shower. No one even had to tell me. I just knew I needed it."
"Yeah, when you can smell your own self it's pretty bad."
The other says, "I can smell my own breath. I probably should brush my teeth."
"Yes, you probably should."
And then, just as quickly as they arrived, they are up and leaving.
"Wait! Where are you going?"
"We're going to play Wii, " says one.
The other says, "Happy President's Day, Mom. I love you."
And they are gone again.
And doesn't that just say it all these days?
We ran into Dylan and Peggy in an elevator on Friday. They said to say Hi. Dylan is just about as tall as me now. Crazy how fast they grow isn't it?
Posted by: Alisa | February 16, 2009 at 11:55 AM
S - just a reminder to bring the Wii games with you this summer - we have one at the house and the boys can play them here. E
Posted by: Eric | February 28, 2009 at 05:34 PM